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Personal Donations
List of donors from October 1, 2023 to August 30, 2024

The Fondation de l’Opéra de Québec would like to thank all the donors.

Opéra ($10,000 and more)

Marthe Bourgeois

Claude Juneau

Fondation Patrice-Drolet

Aria  ($5,000 to $9 ,999)

Céline Saucier

Cabaletta ($1,000 to $4,999)

Dons anonymes (2)

Philippe-Edwin Bélanger

Yves Boissinot

Manuel Camilo Cuesta Camacho

Luc Dagenais

Jean Gaudreau

Philippe-Edwin Bélanger

Yves Boissinot

Manuel Camilo Cuesta Camacho

Luc Dagenais

Jean Gaudreau

Jean-Guy Gingras

Jacques Harbour

Jean-Charles Hogue rédaction

Jean-François Lapointe

Roland Lepage

Jean Maziade

Guy Moranville

Antoine Raspa

Jean-Marie Zeitouni

Romanza (500 to $999)

Sylvain Barrette

Michel Blackburn

Johanne Caron

Fonds Andrée de Billy Gravel

Esther Gravel

Donald Laporte

Aubert Lavoie

Suzanne Racine

Bruno Riendeau

Marc-André Roberge

France Ruest

Arioso (100 to $499)

Suzanne Beaulieu

Jérôme Bergeron et Jocelyn Gadbois

Carmen Bernier

Thomas Bettinger

Alexandre Bricault

Raymond Brouillet

Isabelle Cals

Serge Caron

Leila Chalfoun

Astrid Chouinard

Dominique Côté

Rachel Côté

Françoise Coulombe

Lorraine Couture

Martin Dandurand

Christine D’Anjou

Denys Delâge

Marie-Claude de La Poterie

Louise Delisle

Danielle Demers

Yves Demers

Jocelyn de Varennes

Martine Dignard

Céline Dion

Mathilda DL Productions

Diane Doré

Georgette Émond Beaudoin

Luc Faucher

André Fleury

Fonds J.D.F.G.K.

Gilles Forget

Patricia Foy

François Fréchette

Alain Gagné

Michelle Galarneau

Henri-François Gautrin

Jean Gauvin

Keven Geddes

Herman Giguère

Michel Giguère

Maud Godin

Marie-Hélène Greffard

Simon Guay

Constance Guilmette

Lise Jacob

Claudine Jacques

Pierre Jobin

Britta Kröger

Yves Laberge

Jeannine Labrie

Gilles Lafond

Mario Lafond

Marc Lafontaine

Ghislaine Lafrance Leblanc

Lucie Lafrance

Madeleine Lapointe

Olivier Larochelle

Maxence Lasserre-Engberts

Ruddy Lelouche

Céline Lepage

André Lessard

Diane Lessard

Olivier Longpré

Dominic Lorange

Adèle Lussier

Jean-François Mailloux

Serge H. Malaison

Monique Marquis

Sylvie Mathurin

Jean-Gabriel Migneron

Louise Moreault

Nicole Nadeau Caron

Éric Pillet

Amélie Poirier

Carl Provencher

Alain Quirion

Louis Richer

Nicolas Sattler

Ralph Glendon Smith

Antoine Sylvain

Solange Talbot

Réal Toupin

Albertine Tremblay

Jacques Tremblay

Carole Zicat

Cavatina  (0 to $99)

Allaire Giroux, Ruth

Allard-Dansereau, Claire

Askerow, Maria

Aspinall, Kenneth

Auger, Stella

Barabé, Michelle D.

Bastien, Clémence

Beaulieu, Suzanne

Bérard, Johanne

Bernier, Louise G.

Blackburn, Micheline

Blais, Marie-Céline

Blanchet, Marcelle

Boissinot, Louise

Boivin, Monique

Boulianne, Stella

Breton, Michelle

Brisson, Irène

Busque, Micheline

Cardou , Alain

Castonguay Lachance, Laurette

Champagne, Pierre

Charland, Michelle

Chouinard, Pierrette

Cloutier, Lorraine

Cloutier, Marguerite

Cloutier, Richard

Corneau, Thérèse

Côté, Marie-Eve

Couillard, Pierre

Coulombe Gagnon, Gisèle

Cournoyer, Robert

Delisle, Paul

Delisle, Rachel

Demers, Danielle

Denis, Vincent

Desbiens, Jean-Marie

Desbiens, Michel

Dons anonymes (2)

Drapeau, Dolorès M.

Dumas, Caroline

Duquette, Jacques

Fleury, André

Fortier, Fernande

Fortin, Diane

Fortin, Florence

Fountaine, Michelle

Fréchette, Carole

Gagné, Claude

Gagnon, Céline

Gariépy, Gisèle

Garneau, Luce

Gauvin, Jean

Gingras, Hélène

Giroux, Louise

Gosselin, Jean-Guy

Goulet, Michel

Grimard, Robert

Grisneaux, Emmanuelle

Groleau, Gisèle

Harvey, Bernard

Harvey, Charlotte

Huot, Caroline

Jobin, Pierre

Kibrité, Nicole

Labadie, Raymond

Lafontaine, Marc

Lafrance, Jean

Lagacé, Colette

Lamontagne, Huguette

Langevin, Jean-Louis

Lapointe, Michelle

Lapointe, Nicole

Lapointe, Renée

Lessard, Charles

Letellier, Louise

Magnan, Richard C.

Mallet, Claire

Marceau, Simon

Marquis, Monique

Massicotte, Jocelyne

Métivier, Julienne

Mineau, Michel

Morency Fleury, Denyse

Morin, Brigitte

Morisset, Lucie

Nadeau, Nicole

Nadeau, Odile

Nolin, Claire

O’Grady, Carmen

Ouellet, Thérèse

Paradis, Andrée

Paradis, Gilles

Paradis, Maude

Paradis, Pascal

Paré, Pierrette

Peigney, Marie

Picard, Louise

Picard, Marie

Plante, Christiane

Plante, Denis

Rancourt, Lisette

Redheuil, Alain

Rhéaume, Marie-Claude

Richard, Jacqueline

Robitaille, Henriette

Roussel, Carole-Anne

Tremblay, Albertine

Truchon, Michel

Vachon, Liette

Vaillancourt, Guy

Villeneuve, Colette

In 1997, the Fondation de l’Opéra de Québec set up a donor recognition program under the name of Governors. This program was replaced in 2022 by the Cercle des mécènes. However, we wish to honor the donors who, through their generous contributions, have received the title of Governor for life.

Governors for Life

Michèle R.Audet

Pierre Boutet

Paul-H Brochu

Pierre Champoux

Angèle Cloutier

Jean-Paul Cloutier

Louis Dumas

Françoise Dutil

Jacques Harbour

Francesco Iacurto

Marcel Jobin

Arthur Labrie

Monique Lacroix

Sylvain Langis

Claude Lessard

Denyse R.Levesque

Paul R.Lyon

Gilles Marcotte

Jacqueline Martel Cistellini

Réal Moffet

Monique Perron

Maurice Provencher

Charles.E. Rochette

Louis Rochette

Céline Saucier

Yolande Sirois

Fondation de l’Opéra de Québec

The Opéra de Québec is a non-profit organization that has been presenting international-caliber opera productions since 1985, thus contributing to the quality of life of the Québec region, which bears witness to its remarkable cultural vitality.

To ensure its development and complete all its projects, the Fondation de l’Opéra de Québec has laid the groundwork for a permanent public fundraising campaign. As faithful opera lovers, you have already expressed your interest and support for its achievements, in many ways and on various occasions.

There are several ways to support the Fondation de l’Opéra de Québec, whether through a personal donation, a gift in perpetuity (Mécénat Musica), a major cultural donation or a legacy. Whatever your choice, know that it is a direct contribution to maintaining the highest artistic standards that we strive to maintain for the greatest appreciation of the public and the influence of Québec City on the national and international opera scene.

For more information, please contact members of the Philanthropic Development Team.

Philanthropy Team

Head of Philanthropic Development
Vacant position

Philanthropic Development Assistant
Émilie Baillargeon